Foam inductor self-inducing, 200 L/min, Storz 65 alu w/ball valve, a.b.s.
Item number 1062889
The body is a self-inducing mixer, which allows the system to automatically draw the correct foam percentage.
Full description
Item number 1062889
The body is a self-inducing mixer, which allows the system to automatically draw the correct foam percentage. Pickup hose is included.
According to SOLAS 1974 agreement and IMO Res. MSC.98 (73) FSS Code, Ch.4.3.2 a Self-inducing branchpipe to be Type Approval Certified must perform 200lt/min with a mixing ratio of 3% or 6% foam with 2,5 bar inlet pressure.
The ABS standard branchpipe produces 200lt/min at 2,5 bar and this means 0,2m3/min.
The production of foam is about 1:7,3 therefore about 1,5 m3/min.